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14 April 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

I don't know if I've written a post with the same title before but I can't think of anything more apt to name this post than just that... I woke up feeling sick this morning, I had an upset stomach and I had to haul myself down to the bathroom three times to throw up! And it was before 6am! Needless to say, by the time my stomach started to settle down and my hubby's 6:30am alam went off, I was feeling all the more tired and sleepy and wretched... and to make matters worse, the rain started pouring. Oh, normally I would be happy getting a little rainfall in this heat but I guess I was just feeling bad that the rain didn't do anything much to uplift my spirits. By the time I sent hubby off to work, I was dragging my feet just so I could get hot water for my tea and a muffin from the bread box. So anyway, here I am... at home (i decided not to go to work today)... trying to lift my mood by blogging... It's working a little bit but I still feel sleepy... Maybe later I'lll go back to bed and sleep... but for now, I am browsing the net for more home improvement ideas and probable deals on building materials while finishing off my tea.

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